As a performance tester, most data arrives at me in a spreadsheet, or an enormous text file with little or no delimitation. The previous article showed how to parse across columns and down rows to gather data. Excel has a number of built in functions to manipulate that data before outputting it for us. Functions […]
Archive for the ‘VB,VBA,VBscript’ Category
Excel as an IDE
February 6th, 2014 BlogAdmin
I’ve often found, especially when starting at a new client, that real development tools aren’t provided for testers (even automation testers) as standard and have to be requested from the helpdesk. This can take a week or longer to sort out, depending on efficiency. It’s worse in financial institutions who seem to think Admin rights […]
New Development Project – Loadrunner Scheduler
April 12th, 2013 BlogAdmin
Amongst all the other tasks I have with performance testing and automating on client sites, and sleeping, I once developed an excel-based scheduler for Loadrunner.