I’ve been crazy-busy working, and have neglected the site for a while. I’m still crazy-busy but work on the site is continuing although most of it seems to be behind the scenes at the moment.
Currently I’m building a multi-form php application with a db to provide something to script against. Once that’s done I’ll be re-working and completing the article on beginning QTP.
I’ve a future article on end-to-end QTP automation to write, based on a project I’ve just completed at a former client. The software part of that is actually done although it needs to be anonymised. It uses scheduled tasks, vb scripts, and excel with vba to collate the results.There is so much more to prepare and write posts on, I think it might finally be time to prepare a “to do” list.
1. Sort out the ad’s on this site so that they are pointing to genuine things…
2. Build some test app’s
3. Catch up on the selenium article
Future Development